Fast Talkie allows Zello and VoicePing users to use Push-to-Talk functions on their device with one touch
1) How it Works
Activate Fast Talkie:
While the device is in sleep mode, you just need to push the power button to activate Fast Talkie Lock Screen.
PTT Button:
Hold down the Volume Down button to send a push-to-talk message. Fast Talkie will activate Zello/VoicePing to start recording and your voice is being sent live via the Walkie Talkie App of your choice.
Change Channels (VoicePing only) :
Push the Volume Up button to change channels. While pressing the volume up button, the channel names will be read out loud which helps you to select the right contact.
2) How to Setup Zello for Fast Talkie
- Install App
- Fast Talkie Configuration - Zello Enabled
- Setup PTT Button
- Go to Options > Push-to-talk Buttons > Add Button >Hold the Volume Down button. Once you follow this steps, the PTT button will be set on Zello.
- Select a Channel to Send PTT Message
3) How to setup VoicePing for Fast Talkie
- Install App
- PTT Button is Pre-Set on VoicePing
- Channel does not need to be selected since you can toggle channels with locked screen on VoicePing
4) Permissions/Setup required for Fast Talkie
Once you Download & Install Fast Talkie, Open the App to complete the setup process mentioned below
a) FTT Service (Enable)
- Once FTT Service enables Fast Talkie App on your device
b) Permissions
- Draw Over Other Apps (Enable)
This permission allows Fast Talkie to be displayed on top of other apps.
c) Device admin (Enable)
- Activating this will allow Fast Talkie App to lock and unlock the device.
d) Lock the screen - Control how and when the screen locks.
e) FT Support
- VoicePing
- Zello
(Enable the Walkie Talkie app that you are currently using on your device.)</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>